SELLY Oak Nursery School has been providing outstanding education for children in Birmingham for many years.

The School was founded in 1904 through the generosity of the Cadbury family and we still uphold their values, which is reflected in our Vision Statement: 

"Embracing the unique journey we share together through equality, respect, confidence and courage."

We provide outstanding education and childcare for 3 and 4-year-old children, who experience quality, memorable learning opportunities delivered by highly skilled teachers and teaching assistants.

We understand that every child is unique and has a voice which should be heard and valued. Children’s rights are at the centre of everything we do, with recognition of a child’s right to play featuring throughout our curriculum. As a result, we are a Rights Respecting School.

If you would like to register your child, please book a place on one of our Open Days. This is an opportunity to hear a short talk about Nursery and to see learning in action.

For more details about registering please call the school office or email

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Birmingham City Council Director of Families Sue Harrison hails Nursery