Impact Learning
Since September 2013 we have been involved in the IMPACT Project which is 'Involving More Parents And Children Together' in learning. This is a National project with workshops covering a variety of curriculum areas and across the key stages. The workshops are designed to give parents the knowledge and resources to help their child learn at home. Research shows that parental involvement can increase pupil achievement by up to 30% by the age of 7.
During the year we provide workshops for:
Physical Development (Autumn Term)
Pre-writing skills (Autumn Term)
Early Maths (Spring Term)
Phonics (Summer Term)
Nursery expects that an adult attends for every child. This can be a parent, Grandparent, other family or friend. The workshop will have a short presentation by the key worker providing information on developing your child's skills followed by the children joining you to take part in activities. At the end of the workshop every child will be given a resource pack to take home which will enable them to complete all of the activities on a regular basis. Following on from the workshops we provide a weekly activity in the newsletter to further extend children's skills. We also ask that all parents complete an evaluation form to gain regular feedback on the effectiveness of the workshops.
The aims of the workshops are:
Help parents and carers to understand effective ways to support young children's development in Physical skills / pre-writing / Early Maths / Phonics.
Demonstrate some of the things children need to do to develop Physical skills / good writing skills / Maths skills / Phonic knowledge.
Share some of the tools we use in Nursery
Empower parents and carers to support their at home and use the resources