Why Choose Selly Oak Nursery School?
We have been graded 'Outstanding' by Ofsted in 2007, 2010, 2013, 2018 and 2023 and provide the best possible introduction to education for 3 and 4-year-olds.
Opened in 1904 by George Cadbury, we are committed to his vision of providing the highest standards of care and education for all the children under our care.
Our experienced and expert staff engage our children with learning experiences that will spark a thirst for knowledge for the rest of their lives.
We know that every child is unique and our dedicated team meets the needs of all those under our care, to ensure their wellbeing and give them a perfect start to their education experience.
Our most recent Ofsted inspection said:
"Selly Oak Nursery School is a very happy place, full of excited children who love to learn. This is because leaders and other adults have consistently high expectations of what children can achieve and how they should behave."
"Children achieve exceptionally well because leaders and staff have exceptionally high expectations, and children rise to these. Leaders leave nothing to chance. They meticulously plan the curriculum and each activity to bring out the best in children."
How do I register my child for Selly Oak Nursery School?
Parents can now register their children at Selly Oak Nursery School for September 2024 (subject to availability).
To register, download a registration form and a booklet (see above).
To apply for a place, please complete the registration form and email it to or hand it into the School Office.
If you would prefer a printed copy, please call Paula Bayliss or Peter McKinney in the School Office on 0121 472 1700.
Please then return the forms with three forms of ID, which are:
1) Your child's full birth certificate.
2) Your child's NHS red book.
3) Proof of address - one of the following : council tax bill, rental agreement or mortgage statement.
Once the form has been returned and the ID seen, your child will be added to our waiting list. We will then send out formal documents offering a place by email which when returned will secure the place at the Nursery.
Funded Childcare Places for 3 and 4 year olds
Selly Oak Nursery School offers free part-time and full-time places for eligible 3-year-olds.
Free 15 Hours for 3-year-olds
All children aged 3-years-old in England receive 15 free hours' childcare funding for 38 weeks of the year.
30 Hours Extended free childcare - 30 hours for 3 and 4 year olds
From September 2017 the Government doubled the amount of free childcare from 15 to 30 hours a week for working parents of 3 and 4 year olds.
A child is entitled to 30 hours' childcare the term after their 3rd birthday or from the term after their family becomes eligible. Parents will need to confirm that they remain eligible every three months. To find out if you are eligible and to apply, please visit Childcare Choices.
Can I use the free 15 and 30 hours' childcare at Selly Oak Nursery School?
Parents can use the 30 hours a week funding to pay for a range of places available at Selly Oak Nursery School, including full-time, 18 hours a week or to contribute toward the cost of Breakfast and Out of School Clubs.
We offer a range of part-time and full-time places which allow parents to take advantage of the free 15 and 30 hours childcare funding, which are:
30 hours - Monday to Friday (8.45am to 2.55pm). There will be a monthly top up fee for the 2024-2025 school year of £440 but this will be free for parents and carers who are eligible for the 30 hours extended childcare.
15 hours - start of the week: 2.5 days - Monday (8.45am to 2.55pm), Tuesday (8.45am to 2.55pm) and Wednesday morning (8.45am to 11.30am). Paid for by the Government's free 15 hours childcare funding.
15 hours - end of the week: 2.5days - Wednesday afternoon (12.30pm to 2.55pm), Thursday (8.45am to 2.55pm) and Friday (8.45am to 2.55pm). Paid for by the Government's free 15 hours childcare funding.
18 hours* - start of the week: Three full days at the beginning of the week - Monday (8.45am to 2.55pm), Tuesday (8.45am to 2.55pm) and Wednesday (8.45am to 2.55pm).
18 hours* - end of the week: Three full days at the end of the week - Wednesday (8.45am to 2.55pm), Thursday (8.45am to 2.55pm) and Friday (8.45am to 2.55pm).
For 18 hours a week, parents who receive the 15 hours a week free childcare will pay a top up fee of £95 each month for the 2024-2025 school year. These places are free for parents eligible for the extended free 30 hours' childcare. As well as this, the Tax Free Childcare Account or childcare vouchers can also be used to pay fees.
When can my child start?
Your child can start Nursery the term after they turn 3-years-old (subject to availability of places).
Am I eligible for 30 hours childcare funding?
You, and any partner, must each expect to earn (on average) at least £167 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage).
If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible.
You can't get 30 hours' free childcare if either you, or your partner, each individually expect to earn £100,000 or more.
For full details about eligibility for the extended 30 hours free childcare funding visit
Am I eligible for the Tax-Free Childcare?
Tax-Free Childcare is a scheme set up by the government which helps families pay for childcare and can be used in Selly Oak Nursery School, if parents are eligible. For every £8 you pay in, the government will automatically add £2, up to the value of £2,000 per child per year (or £4,000 for disabled children)
This is for:
Working families, including the self-employed, in the UK.
Families earning under £100k and an average of £167 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage) each over three months.
Families who aren't receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers.
With children aged 0-11 (or 0-16 if disabled).
You, and any partner, must be over 16 and each expect to earn an average of £167 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage) over three months.
If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible.
You can't get Tax-Free Childcare if either you, or your partner, each individually expect to earn £100,000 or more.