
During the year we take the children on a variety of visits to further develop their learning. These visits enhance the learning of children and provide a practical link to activities completed in Nursery. Throughout the year we try to provide different experiences for the children and encourage parent helpers to attend in order for the trips to take place. Examples of local trips include visits to the library where the children are introduced to stories and encouraged to visit with their parents.

The Nursery plans one trip a term which links in to the topics and interests of the library. Trips this year have included a visit to the Mac Theatre during the Autumn Term to see the ‘Snow Dragon’. The children loved the magic of the theatre as they learnt all about the dragon and what he did. For many of the children it was their first visit to the theatre.

During the Spring Term we visited Ash End farm where the children were able to learn about the animals and their young. We took part in a ‘Nursery Rhyme’ tour where the children were encouraged to sing songs in parts of the farm as they learnt about the animals. The children enjoyed having the opportunity to feed different animals.

During the Summer Term the children are given the opportunity the visit the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra as part of their Schools Concert programme. Here the children learn about different sounds, instruments and songs in a very interactive programme.

Over the year we develop links with other Nurseries and Schools in the area. This gives our children the opportunities to further develop their social skills and communication as they meet new friends. The children enjoy having older children visit our Nursery.