School Improvement Plan 

Through our School Improvement Plan we are working positively to maintain our Outstanding Ofsted judgement. 

At Selly Oak Nursery School there is always a continuous drive to improve standards year on year and therefore there is an overall desire to ensure that our Teaching, Learning and Assessment are continually improving. After rigorous self-evaluation, analysis and consultation the following main drivers for this academic year will ensure that the school continues to improve:-

The 2023 - 2024 priorities for the school are as follows:-


QUALITY OF EDUCATION                                                            

To maintain the quality of teaching over time across all areas of learning as 

consistently good with many elements of outstanding

To increase the percentage of children achieving better than age related 

expectations in Communication and Language.

To further develop and embed the creative arts across nursery.

To introduce and develop Startwell across all aspects of nursery.


To increase the percentage of children achieving better than age related 

expectations in Personal, Social and Emotional development.

To enhance mental health and emotional well-being activities and ideas for children and staff.

To develop and introduce National Education Nature Park. 


To further develop budget management across the Nursery and continue to 

explore the sustainability of the Nursery School.

To work with the Governing Body to look at various models of soft collaboration to federation.

SIP 2021 - 22.pdf
SIP 2022 - 2023.pdf
Accessibility Plan 2023 - 2024.pdf